What were the best things you learned while completing this task?
In order to have effective group work everyone has to contribute an equal amount of effort and work. At the start of this I was not putting in as much effort as everyone else on my team and it showed in our research. So i had to start pulling my own weight and after that the group started producing a lot more work and we were working more efficiently. So in this tast I learned that it is important to put in as much effort as you can.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? Why?
I would say that if you are going to drink alcohol, do it because you want to and not because you are peer presured and you have to drink to look cool. This means that if you are doing it of your own accord then you can control how much alcohol you ingest and when you want to stop because you don’t think you want any more. It is important to do it because YOU want to do it and not others trying to get you to drink.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking alcohol at the legal age of 18. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?
I don’t really want to drink alcohol when im older. I have had some before and if didnt taste good. I also don’t want to be in a position where I am too drunk to even know where I am and not be able to defend myself or be aware of my suroundings. I don’t want to be in a position where someone has to make desicions for me and I am extremely vulnerable and not able to control my actions. I also think that you don’t need alcohol in your life to be relaxed as you can just do things you enjoy. So my vow is to only drink if i want to and only about 1-2 standard drinks. ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)