Wayne’s World 5 (Reflection)

What is something in your where the price soars and then drops suddenly?

One time when prices soar very high and fall quite low is Christmas decorations. During the Christmas season, demand is high, and so are the prices. This continues until after the season when there is usually a massive sale on these items. My family buys our decorations around this time, as not many people want these, and the prices are low.

Wealth Protection

Compactia will ensure that its wealth is protected in the future by making sure that we have currencies of different types. We predict that soon, the World Bank will stop accepting Red Tulips, and accept another currency like AmpereCoin. We need to make sure that we can survive with money and not go bankrupt if one currency is abandoned. We also need to make sure that we have popular resources to sell to receive our chosen currency.

Why is it important for Compactia to have cool stuff, wealth, and to be “inclusive”?

It is extremely important for Compactia to have cool stuff and be inclusive because it ‘attracts’ more visitors, and creates a bigger sense of community. (It also means a higher score for our city). It is important for Compactia to be wealthy because it means we can buy more currencies (to sustain our wealth), more resources (to create cool stuff) and buy Bone Meal (fertiliser) for our tulips.

What have you enjoyed about this Inquiry?

I have enjoyed being able to learn about so many aspects of economics an a super fun way. I loved how we get to have fun learning and being creative at the same time. It involves lots of capabilities like collaboration, creativity and problem solving to ensure that your city runs smoothly. (It was also incredibly fun to play Minecraft every Friday!)

What have you found difficult or frustrating about the Inquiry? What changes would you make?

At the beginning, I found it hard to agree with my partner about how we should finalise our city plan. Along with many other miscommunication incidents, I think I learnt more about collaboration from these experiences. It was also incredibly frustrating when the world changed to Survival Mode, where we had to buy or find our own resources, farm food and make our own tools instead of having everything available to us in Creative Mode. Despite this, I still enjoyed it and learnt a lot, so there is nothing I would change (apart from the Wayne’s World War…).

Wayne’s World 5 (Compactia)

Wayne’s World 5 (WW5) is a Minecraft World designed to simulate cities, economics, and stability. In pairs, we each designed a city and tried to make it as livable as possible. We included things like renewable energy sources, a stable government, schools, transport, and housing. Later on, as our cities built up livability, we introduced currency, farming, and making resources. All of this has been developed over the past year. Ctrl+C this link into your browser to see the progress: https://spark.adobe.com/page/yRF4kxOipMQob/


In our city, Compactia, we are aiming for a high livability rate. We have included houses that are connected together inside a special apartment called a ‘togetherment’. This is because instead of being apart, everyone lives separately but comes together in a community. The houses are also different sizes to cater for different people. We also have a quick and sustainable transport system within each suburb (walking) and across suburbs (solar-powered trains). Compactia also includes a wind turbine to supply renewable energy to the city.



The currency in our world is Red Tulips (ŧ). This is because we can grow these, allowing most cities to have equal wealth. Tulips allow us to buy resources, and even a cryptocurrency called ApmereCoin. We can also buy and sell to other cities, not just the World Bank for negotiable prices. Our city has a tulip farm, where we can store and grow tulips. This currency completely disobeys the saying: “Money doesn’t grow on trees!”. No, money grows on the ground.

Cool Stuff

In our cities, our scores are also based on how much cool stuff we have in our city. Compactia has a range of buildings and structures to offer you a cool experience. We have a waterslide that runs off the edge of a cliff in Everest (another suburb). We have a ginormous rooftop flower garden on our Rainbow Parliament House (which, unfortunately, doesn’t grow red tulips 😥). There is even the Birdseye Observatory which has an amazing view of our Capital suburb, Tookee. Compactia is definitely the coolest city by far.


Inclusivity is a very important part of any city, as it provides a more connected community. Compactia has many items promoting inclusivity. Our Parliament includes the Aboriginal flag on the front to acknowledge the original owners of the land. We have a rainbow on our Parliament to acknowledge the LGBTQIA+ community. We have a school that caters for every child, and an easy to use transport system.