Nexus-S Connected Learning

Paint 3D & Art

During our Nexus-S Connected Learning rotation, we learnt about many technological skills, from finding credible and trustworthy research sources to short filmmaking and editing. My favourite skill was making digital art in Paint 3D, where we learnt about different tools to create an image.

This was my final artwork, which combined a magically selected image, a digitally drawn background, a sticker, and a 3D element. All of these features combined together to create a fun, digital background.

Paint 3D Tools

Magic Select is a tool on Paint 3D that uses artificial intelligence to remove a part of an image. It then replaces the blank space with a pattern that has been recognised around the area. In the image shown, the lake has been removed and replaced with an artificially generated forest instead.

Paint 3D offers many different brushes to create different textures, which are pictured here. I used different textures to blend colours, and add highlights to the background of my final image. There are also many different colours to choose from, to create the best work.

There are many different stickers that are pre-made on paint 3D, which allow you to put different textures or cartoony details on a 2D or 3D model. Some of these stickers are shown here, but there are so many more to choose from! They can really make your work stand out from the rest.

Green Spaces Project Utopia

What is a green space?

Green spaces are areas within a city that has many natural objects in them, like grass, flowers, trees, bushes, veggie patches, and much more. Green spaces can be any size or shape, in the city or your garden! Green spaces are designed to relieve residents from the stress of the urban landscape and re-connect with nature. Native gardens have native plants and flowers that are suited to the Australian climate and are used for many purposes. Green spaces with native gardens incorporate native plants to preserve the plants and impact the environment in a way that improves air quality and climate. Green spaces are key to good well-being in an urban environment.

How do green spaces work and impact a city?

Diagram and explanation of a fictional green space by Leticia Avery

How will green spaces be incorporated into my Project Utopia?

Green spaces should be a very common space in the city. Each house will have at least one green space, to allow for mindful and stress-free areas and times at home. Balconies on apartments will have a small area of green as well. These will help relieve the stress of school and work, and they allow for brilliant entertaining spaces for guests. Public green spaces will also be very frequent so that there are many places and options for socialisation, exercise and mindfulness. These spaces will be divided into three main sections: growth areas (areas for growing food, native plants and others), leisure areas (for exercise, sporting events, or pet walking), and community spaces (for public events, picnics, or social events). These areas will be in the same green space but allow for a multitude of purposes without interrupting others. Below are some images of green spaces that could be incorporated.


Image 1: From Inhabitant:

Image 2: From Government Buisness:

Image 3: From Inhabitant:

Image 4