About Me

I am a very sporty person, Basketball is my game and Soccer is my gain. I live in a family of 3: just Mum, Dad, and me! We live a happy life at home. Going back to sport I really enjoy three main sports: Basketball, Soccer and Swimming. Basketball is the one I play the most with currently 2 games and three training sessions a week. Next is soccer: I only train once a week but it is my second favourite sport. I really like my fit on my team and I think we work well together. Lastly, Swimming: I swim 3-4 times a week and it has really helped me with my stamina.

I lived in Singapore for five and a half years and made tons of friends! I currently live in Perth, Western Australia with 30 more friends to my name. I’m still in touch with my friends from Singapore, I even surprised my friend Xavier for his 10th Birthday! I Love all my friends and they are all great to be around.

This is everything about me… for now!

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