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About the Author

Luke Tomlinson

Progress Update Part 1 (Humanities)

Throughout the duration of the last few weeks of this project my group members and I have brainstormed as what type of presentation we will be doing, and we chose a short film about WWII. We chose to make this short film to further educate the viewers about the traumatic events that happened to the Jews by Nazi Germany (Adolf Hitler). My group members and I have come up with some ideas for props like guns, costumes, environment etc. As well as props, we have chosen 10 websites each that will aid us with our research and integrate it into the film. I have also transferred all my research into a bibliography. We are hoping to start the production process at about term 4 week 2 (currently in term 3 week 10)

Some of the tasks we hope to achieve in the upcoming weeks are:

  • Getting a few props to aid us in making the film,
  • Guns
  • Clothing/Costumes
  • Making a PowerPoint presentation presenting all the information and explaining what all our movie scenes represent.
  • Start making our film/editing/finalizing
  • Analyse our film explaining wat it’s about and answering our essential question, which was life in the concentration camps.
  • Planning for exhibition day, how we will present and our location.

Sailing At ASC

I learned teamwork skills at sailing, as we needed to work together to use all components on the boat or else it wouldn’t move.

In our sailing groups we had to communicate and overcome any problems that we encountered. In the time trials we had to use these skills to win and get a good time. One person was the skipper (who steered the rudder) and the other operator (in charge of the sail tensity).

Year 9 Camp 2020

In 2020 the whole year 9 cohort went up north to Kalbarri. We had 4 leaders for each day, and they were in charge of leading their group on what chores would be appropriate at any given time. When I was the leader, I had to get the meals ready at the right time, I had to navigate through the bush when we went on hikes. There was a big responsibility on me especially because I was the one leading everyone and I was by myself. Teamwork was a crucial of completing the activities on the camp. One of the activities we did on camp was a team building activity and we had to work together to throw little balls into the tarp at the right time, we had to communicate. We did rock climbing which involves skills such as, communication and support.

When it was my turn to be the leader, it made me realize that being a leader needs integrity, (doing the right action when no one is watching.) Being the leader for a day made me use more integrity than what I was before because I needed to do the meals and guide my group to make it through the day. I also needed courage to keep on encouraging the others to help and get involved and help. When I was leading my peers through the bush, I had to take charge of where my group should go, and that one direction determines if we go the right path or the wrong. Not only did the activities make me use my leadership skills, but just keeping my belongings in the right place, I did not have my parents or guardians to keep them safe I had to keep them safe myself. It was a hard effort, but I did it!

Teamwork was a main component of getting along and dealing with others on the year 9 OLP (Outdoor Learning Program.) With the ball throwing activities, we had to communicate in the game, because to win we had to throw the ball into the tarp all at the same time. This required some excellent timing and teamwork. When we went on hikes teamwork and leadership was vital, but teamwork was used just as much. During the walks (hikes) we had to navigate, and we needed to come to agreement which way to go, not just the leaders they still needed a bit if help.

Muir Snorkeling Experience

For Muir (Outdoor Education) , I was able to go on an excursion to Coogee maritime trail and Rottenest. At The maritime trail, we swam along and saw a lot of marine structures such as a cannon that little fish inhabited. There was also a shipwreck which had lots of remaining pieces and had lots of fish Swimming around there, there was a starfish structure that you can swim through.


All Saints year 5 and 6 Building Parry and Rosenthal Architects

During this journey, I have learned lots of community service skills while helping these Raafa residents. This subject focuses on the 5 powers which are: Teamwork, Communication, Creativity, Problem-solving and leadership. I used Teamwork by working with 4 people to combine ideas to make one good idea. In this project, I had to communicate with my group to tell them my ideas and so they could know what I was thinking. I used creativity to make unique ideas and to present to the Raafa residents. Problem-solving was crucial for this because every time we came across a problem we had to come up with an alternative. Leadership wasn’t really used because I wasn’t the leader in the group