In health this term we learnt about a lot of things. Some of those things were respect, empathy, critical thinking and responsibility. We learnt about showing empathy towards others. We did this by looking at examples of others and how something bad has happened to them and how we can under stand things that we can do and not do for them like saying a negative comment. We learnt about respect and what it means. Respect can be used in many different situations and can mean different things for others. I thought that respect meant that you would be kind and caring toward that person and say positive things. In health we watched a lot of videos on critical thinking. Critical thinking is things like thinking before you do or say something. This means that you should always think of the consequences before you do or say something to someone or you do something that you will regret or you post something that you don’t want to be posted. We also learnt about responsibility. Responsibility can mean different things like having a responsibility or being responsible in places out side of your home like school and in public.