The principles of justice are principles that are designed to give everyone no matter how they are a fair courtroom experience. These principles are important because they ensure that if someone in an Australian courtroom was getting persecuted they would get persecuted the same way as someone else. For example, everyone has a right to a fair hearing this means that when you tell your side of the story the judge and jury will listen to every bit of information no matter how they think you are guilty or not. Another example of this is the right of an appeal this means if you think the decision the judge made was incorrect you have to right to appeal to another judge. For another example of this is high-quality evidence this means that the evidence that the police show in court has to be rock hard, has to be relevant and cant is planted. Through an investigation of the Michelbergs case, it will be shown that the principle of high-quality evidence was broken. It was found that the WA police planted evidence which wrongly convicted and jailed 2 of the 3 brothers (Ray and Peter Mickelberg)

The principle of the right to an appeal was supported but also violated in the Mickelbergs case. This right to an appeal was supported because they got given the chance to case reviewed by higher courts, but it was also violated because even with the 7 appeals they were still proven guilty on the basis of false evidence. For example, after Tony Lewandowski confessed to helping fabricate evidence against them, an 8th appeal was started and because of that Ray and Peter Mickelberg were proven innocent. These examples demonstrate that Ray and Peter Mickelberg were falsely imprisoned because of the false evidence that the WA police gave.

The principle of a right to a fair trial was violated in the Mickelbergs case. An example of this is when a few years after Ray and Peter Mickelberg got sentenced it was found that the police on the case fabricated the evidence. This violated the principle of a right to a fair trial because it meant that the evidence that was given was actually fake and that fake evidence was used to sentence Ray and Peter Mickelberg. Another example of the principle of justice being violated is it stated that “Soon after the robbery police investigations focused on the Mickelberg brothers.” showing us that the police didn’t look at any other suspects. These examples demonstrate how dishonest and bad these police investigations were and because of those police investigators, the Mickelberg brothers were wrongly imprisoned.

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