Our task
During term 4, students at All Saints college were task with designing a sturdy build out of spaghettis that could with stand p waves and s waves. Primary waves and seismic waves were shown through a earthquake platform that moves like an earthquake. each gram of blue tack was a $1 and each piece of spaghettis was $1 this resulted in students need to think about what they spend and be very resourceful with their spending. the minimum requirement for a tower was 60cm tall and 30cms wide base, also students needed a 5by5cm platform on top students were required to follow the engineering process down below. they often had to restart from scratch.
Engineering process
our group was very fast compared to the rest of the class when it came to the research and construction part of our tower. we were considerably fast when we arrived to our testing part of the project because there wasn’t much for us to fix the only problem we had was that there was a joint that kept falling out so we fixed that and we were all good.