In the last few weeks we were challenge with our project in Math to create a presentation on Statistical Analysis on Data that we were given. Me and my Partner, Jamie Snow, worked together on this the topic of Streaming Services. We used a software call to create our project that worked amazingly and […]
Birds & Worms
In this task we had to take a photo from 2 different angles from both a birds POV and a worms POV. These photos helped to enhance our skill with using different angles and learnt that something can look very boring from one angle but from another its so interesting. Bird POV My Bird POV […]
Faceless Portrait
A faceless Portrait is a portrait that removes your face and just focuses on the surroundings and other parts of the body and tries to tell you something about the person without the face included. What I like about this photo is that nothing is too distracting or takes away your focus from the person. […]
Christmas Market
Recently we had the Christmas Market, working on the Christmas Market I have learnt multiple skills such as teamwork and respect. I have learned these skills by working with a group for the task and used respect when listening to other peoples ideas and not shutting them down instantly because you think your idea is […]
Experiencing the life of an African Child collecting water
In Hass recently we have been looking at water overall, we have been looking at things such as; is water renewable, what your average water foot print is and how you can reduce it and finally access to safe water. When we started the access to safe water we did and experiment where we tried […]
Inovat(ED) Overview
Inovat(ED) is a period on at the end of the day on a Tuesday for creative thinking and working on self strengths and weaknesses which we called powers, in Inovat(ED) I was working on many powers but mainly my strongest power which is teamwork as I use it all the time in normal life and […]
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