What I Learnt and Found More Difficult: during orienteering there where many things that we needed to learn including how to pace, how to use a compass and how read a map. the things that I found the easiest where setting and reading the compass and how to use the map in terms of where the locations of the points we are trying to find. are but some things that I found more difficult where pacing and reading the contour lines.
What Have I Accomplished: while orienteering at school me and my partner where able to come top 3 and maybe 2 every time that we did orienteering. since I did this well I was able to get into state orienteering which will be done with my partner that I went with from school. We also went to manning park for two lessons but I missed one and I feel like I didn’t do the best there because I was still getting over a sickness
This is a picture of me at Manning Park.