Snorkeling in term 1 was great and we got to go to Rottnest island and Kuji beach to snorkel. at the start of snorkeling we we were just learning how to snorkel and what the key things we would need to are. I don’t think it was very hard to snorkel but there were more things that we had to learn than i thought. the only part that I couldn’t really do throughout the whole topic was how to equalize my ears so i could dive down without hurting my ears.
when we went to Rottnest we got to go to the basin and see many varieties or coral and fish but the best part is when i dived through the swim through and it was really cool when we went over really deep areas. At Kuji we went to the Omeo wreck and snorkeled over the wreck but then we progressed to snorkeling over the objects scattered further out which included a cannon and a star that you could swim through which was very cool.