The Save The Human project was a project where we had to look at sustainability and how humans can be saved through something sustainable whether that be something such as energy, recycling ect. We, after looking at a multitude of options, decided to look at hydroelectricity. While at first believing it to be a good sustainable way to produce energy we later found the opposite to be true, so we then focused in on that to look at why we should NOT use hydropower.

excel spreadsheat

We found that after looking at both government websites, pdfs and a multitude of news sources we found that the production of dams for hydropower costed quite a lot without actually paying full expenses for displacement. Displacement is also a huge issue with the 3 gorges dam displacing over 1.3 million people and paying them anywhere between 7 cents and 2000 dollars AU.


We made a relatively barebones powerpoint with most of the content coming from the script itself rather than the powerpoint. The powerpoint was used mostly for the sake of guidance for the viewers.

This project has allowed me to get a better understanding of how to properly research and the importance of looking through multiple sources and looking for all the statistics to create a proper opinion on something.