Media Reflection

Media Reflection Write a paragraph for each question

NAME: Owen Black

  1. Describe the process you went through to create your production. (5)

To create our production first we had to find an idea for an ad our concept was to create an ad on smarties. First, we thought about saying that we were going to guarantee a boost in intellectual capacity. But, then we were told that instead of saying, we should suggest so that we won’t be held accountable for promising a service that wasn’t scientifically possible. By suggesting I mean not stating a service but demonstrating our product solving our targeted audiences’ fear. We also in the process discussed Needs, Fears, and desires. We did this by watching the Simpsons (Mr Plow), which showed how you must understand all about your user and their Needs, Fears, and desires. After developing our idea, we had to create various map outs of our production such as a storyboard and a script (lower on the page). Then after all of that, we finally started filming the first week of filming was a minor disaster with our teammate missing and a lack of props, but our second week was much more productive finishing all the necessary scenes and having some time to spare. Unluckily one person accidentally deleted most of our scenes, in the next lesson, another of our teammates who was away, and I had to become more assertive, only having some of the original videos. Even though we had some problems we still managed to finish the ad in time, finishing with an ad on of bloopers.

  1. How did you come up with the original idea? (5)

First, we debated which topic we should choose, and after a long period, we decided on chocolates. Then we debated between KitKat and nestle crunch, after debating each of those some of my members got a little side-tracked watching the nestle crunch ad. When we were debating, we came across a lovely site called Wikipedia. On this Wikipedia page was a list of nestle chocolates, the first one that appeal to me was smarties, which appealed in a delicious way and the potential of smarties. After consulting with Mr Hamilton, we started brainstorming ways that we could suggest that smarties were a beneficial product. Firstly, we thought of a test situation and after we came up with many farfetched ideas and so overall, we decided on the test situation, only targeting those under eighteen.

  1. Describe three obstacles or challenges that you encountered when creating your production. (5)

First, we didn’t have consistent attendance with multiple team members missing classes and problems occurring inside of that such as our star actor being away, etc. Coordinating our team was also a difficult challenge with some members getting distracted and some interfering with other groups (apart from helping). We also encountered this problem when we were trying to create a storyboard and script with the majority disengaging from the task at hand. It was also hard to coordinate the prop supply and find who was to do what, in the end, I had to find these props. As I mentioned earlier someone had trouble keeping files of our scenes and deleted some which forced me to improvise and make some scenes less than they could be.  

  1. What would you do differently next time? (5)

If we were to get another try, I would like to improve on team communication and telling each other in advance if we were going to be absent. It would also be nice to have multiple files on different computers to use and compare so that we always had access to any files. To improve even more if we could coordinate our group a bit better by making a full plan of what each lesson would include such as props and filming lessons. Another thing that I would like to do would be to make sure that our computers are always charged and charged so that we do lose files again.

Scene 1- Home (night-time) 

Boy (GATE)- “Mum, Dad those mean kids at school keep stealing my lunch money.” 

The boy goes to bed  

Parent 1-” You know what happens if he fails this end-of-year test” 

Parent 2-” We just have to hope” 

Scene 2- Shop (early morning, IGA) 

Boy walk down the street  

Hears angelic voices  

Enters the shop 

is choosing what extra he wants for his lunch 

Boy-‘What to buy’ 

Boy- humming and haring 

Between his other favorite KitKat 

Eventually chooses smarties 

Scene 3-school test time (midday) 

Boy gets given his test paper  

Time-lapse of him wasting time 

He realizes the time 

Boy- “Whispers I didn’t want to resort to this, this was meant for lunch… But” 

He opens smarties  

Time-lapse of him finishing it  

Scene 4- After the test at lunchtime (undercover at lunchtime) 

Classmates make fun of him for rushing 

Classmate 1 “hahaha, you have no chance of passing” 

Classmate 2 “Why are you rushing bro, you’ll never gonna get a good grade!” 

Classmate 1 “looks like summer school for you” 

Boy “But, but I tried…” 

Classmate 1 “Your best isn’t enough, haha”  

“Classmates run away laughing.” 

Scene 5 Boy comes back home (boy’s house) 

Boy comes back home 

The parents greet him nicely  

Parent 1 “Son, I am very proud of you.” 

Boy acts shocked 

Parent 1 continues 

Parent 1 “Not only did you finish…” 


Boy is speechless  

Parents both congratulate the boy 

Boy is crying 

Emotional Music in the end… 

End with the quote “Only Smarties have the answer” 

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