English Capabilities

Our most recent task in Year 10 English was to write a play as a group based on a problem that is shown in our society. The problem we chose was drug addiction, and how it can affect not only the person using, but also the relationship between friends and family. In our play, our main characters were a drug addict father, his wife, son, and the drug dealer. We showed in our performance how drugs can be deteriorating for a family, but also how reaching out and getting help can turn everyone’s lives around to create a healthy, happy family environment. My group members and I developed many of our capabilities from this task.

Problem Solving and Effective Communication:

On the day of the performance two of our group members were sick, so we had to figure out how we could do the play with only the 3 of our remaining members. We had to problem solve by communicating with each other what we needed to change. As both of our absent group members played significant roles, we had to divide their parts amongst the 3 of us, which we managed to do effectively. It was difficult but our performance managed to run relatively smoothly considering.


In our play, we included something where someone says “pause” and then the people currently acting in the scene pause what they’re doing, and someone gives context to what is going on in the scene as sometimes it can be hard to tell what is going on. We also would give facts on drug use and how it effects users and their family. This was a very creative aspect of our play and we found that it allowed for the audience to follow along better and pay attention to what was going on.

Overall, from this task I developed some of my capabilities including problem solving, effective communication and creativity. I found that this was a very beneficial task that taught me many new things.

All Saints College’s Capabilities Wheel