Semester 2 Drama Reflection

During the second semester of year 8, the year 8’s had a project X task to complete. This semester I had drama, and my task was to put together a shadow puppetry performance. My shadow puppetry performance was about a man and God walking and talking one day. The man says he wishes he could be god, even for half a day. God lets the man become god until nightfall. The man’s first job as god was to look after some girl’s geese. He agrees to look after the geese. The girl walks away into the village, and the man and god the realize she is going to the feast in the village. The man wants to go to the feast, but he has to look after the geese, god then leaves the man to go to the village and the man had to look after the geese. Never again did the man wish to e god again.

Explain how you came up with your performance idea. What inspired you?

As a class we looked through this short story book, in the book, there were multiple stories to choose from, and my group decided to choose the shortest story. The story was straightforward and simple. We only had to make a few characters and props. The story had to be very detailed since it was short. We were inspired by using shadow puppetry to make this story.

Did you have any issues to overcome during this process?

Time wasn’t really a problem as we had a long time period for a short story, the only issue would be the acting, as we have never done shadow puppetry. So we beat this issue by using our spare time to practise our performance.

What would you do differently next time?

Make SUPER detailed puppets, and with previous experience, I would know how to act better on stage.

How did you use critical thinking during this task?

We met a number of problems during the performance part, each performance we would find a new problem and when we fixed that problem another problem appeared. So we kept thinking of solutions and applied them all at once until we had no problems. When we were practising we realized that on the other side of the board you couldn’t see the puppets very clearly, so we had to push our puppets up against the board.

How did you collaborate and communicate with each member during this process?

Yes, we had to work together very well in order to succeed in this task. We each made the puppets we are going to use in the performance. Then we had to work together very well during the performance. When somebody was away somebody would fill in. We had a teams chat so we could all talk and send our ideas.

Did you show leadership skills or resilience during this task?

Yes, when someone wasn’t there on a drama day, I had to fill in and do their work as well as mine

Were you and your group organised?

Yes, we had all our props ready in time, and we got plenty of practise time in.

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