Lock – Semester 1


Every Wednesday we went down to shelly river and participated in paddle WA’s kayaking lessons. This gave us many skills to take to our day camp like going forwards backwards, going in circles and playing games. This made it easier for us to get straight into the water at nanga and start having fun. My favourite part of kayaking was going off the jetty as shelly. I was scared at first but it ended up being really fun.

Roping and Rock Climbing

We started off the term by practicing to tie knots in order to start rock climbing I enjoyed learning new knots and figuring out how to put it into practice when we started rock climbing. I found about 3 of the 10 knots difficult at first but eventually got the hang of it in time for the assessment. For some reason I personally enjoyed belaying more than actually rock climbing.

Bush Cooking

We haven’t done a lot of bush cooking yet this semester but I have enjoyed what I have done so far. On the camp my group made wraps. We used the fire to heat up chicken tenders and cook sausages. We used other ingredients like lettuce, cheese and salami to fill the wraps up. 

Camp Goals

My goals were to get to school on time and to participate in every activity. I achieved the first goal by preparing all my equipment the night before so I didn’t have to worry about it on the morning of the camp. I achieved my second goal by just getting over my fear of heights and participating in the tree tops adventure activities.

Overall Goals

My goals for lock is to learn new skills that I can take with them with me for future school camps and other camping trips. I have learnt skills like knot tying, kayaking, making a fire and what wood to collect.

Weather Conditions

The weather for the camp was really good considering the week that we had before that. It was not raining at all which made it a lot easier to do activities like tree tops, making fires and cooking. It was also not very windy which helps with kayaking.

Leave No Trace

Out of the seven leave no trace principles I think that we were the best at plan ahead and prepare, minimise campfire impacts and dispose of waste properly. We planed ahead by organising our food and equipment a few days before so we didn’t have to worry about it later on. We minimised campfire waste by letting our fires burn out for as long as we could until we had to go so we left as little amount of waste as we could. We also disposed of waste properly by having a bin around us at all time so there was no litter and at the end of the day we went around as picked up any other litter we saw.

My Groups Pizza
Our Fire
Our Cooking Setup

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