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At the year 9’s 2022 Wellbeing Expo my group consisting of Paula Krause, Alia Salgado and myself set on a goal to raise awareness of the issue of the overuse of social media (especially present in teenagers) and some alternatives or other activities that could be used instead of being on social media.

The biggest thing I have learned (as an individual) from the project was realising how many more activities we are able to do easily instead of spending all that time on social media. Journaling, photography, writing, exercising, etc. the possibilities are so vast it is amazing to think that instead of doing all these things we are fortunate enough to have the ability to and access we spend our time on our devices isolated from others (and in some cases ourselves).

A piece of advice that I would want to pass on to young people regarding this topic of well-being and especially the overuse of social media is that to be aware of the amount of time you spend on it. A day could go away in a click without realising if you spent the whole day on your devices scrolling through social media. Instead, get active or even do something calming but use the day and to the most you can. Go try out that new journaling challenge, or go outside and try a new game with friends, perhaps even just bike around your neighborhood.


“I, Sayuri Taaffe, will start to put more awareness in how much time I spend on social media and how useful that time spent on social media is. I will take the time to go connect with friends, go outside, try new activities and spend time off social media enabling myself to take advantage of my time and day. I will help remind my friends, my peers and those around me to also be aware so that hopefully our community becomes a more positive place”

This is my wellbeing pledge. The reason behind why I chose to be more aware of how much time I spend on social media is for me to be aware of what things I could be doing instead to help benefit my wellbeing. I also decided to help those around me as I do not only just want me but also have a positive effect on my peers’ and friends’ wellbeing. In order to do achieve this, I will start off by trying to record each day how much time I spend on social media and record how I am feeling/ my overall mood. To see if the decrease in the time I spend on social media makes my mood more happier/ positive.

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