This project was about designing a road safety campaign targeting young drivers. I had to collaborate with a peer and we decided to create a poster informing young drivers about fatigue driving.
The biggest thing that I learnt while completing this task a lot more crashes are a result of fatigue then i initially thought. I found that approximately 20% to 30% of crashes are a direct result of driving while tired. According to statistics, driving after being awake for 17 hours (average for a lot of younger drivers and UNI students) has the same negative impacts on your driving as having a BAC of 0.05, the legal drinking limit for drivers (drivers including and below a provisional P2 licence and interlock licence are required to have a BAC of 0). I also learned that young adults are four times more likely to drive fatigued and overall account for 2 thirds of all fatigued related crashes. To be safer, i am going to plan ahead and only drive when I know I am well rested.

We also added a second page, that would include more facts and statistics

One piece of advice I would give to young drivers is to be a cautious driver. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe then to be sorry, and this applies to driving too. Driving is one of the most dangerous daily acts but its also one of the most liberating. When turning that corner, spend extra time making sure no one is there, when coming to a set of lights start to slow down sooner and when at a cross walk, always watch out for pedestrian. Just be a cautious and conscientious driver, trust me, it will pay off.
I pledge to be a cautious and conscientious driver, to always give right of way and to never drive when I’ve been near alcohol. I chose these things to commit to do these things as I am aware these cause the most injuries and fatalities when on the road. I will stick to these commitments by putting my phone in the back seat as to not be distracted, not drink or eat while driving as to not be distracted and to never drive while tired or been around alcohol.