For our Year 10 Health course, we were tasked with creating a Road Safety Campaign targeting young drivers.
We had to plan our campaign, with the goal being to provide others with clear information about the issue in a medium that would reach younger drivers.
I chose the issue of using your phone while driving, and I decided to present it in the form of a radio broadcast.
The planning document:
The Final Product: Don’t Touch Your Phone
The Reflection:
What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task? | It is incredibly easy to get distracted while driving, and one of the biggest distractions drivers face is their phone. It is extremely tempting to access your phone in the car, especially when it is right there. However, even looking away for 3 seconds at 60kmph can mean travelling blind for 50m, the length of an Olympic swim pool. 40% of young driver crashes are caused by distractions, and by minimising distractions, we can minimise potential fatalities. |
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why? | Always stay alert when driving. Why? Because the more you drive, the more comfortable you get, but even the most experienced driver can suffer a crash. By always being alert, getting rid of distractions LIKE YOUR PHONE, and always expecting the worst, you are much more likely to react to danger and stay safe during your early years of driving. Also, never drive tired; this can reduce your alertness and make you micro-sleep. This can lead to a higher chance of crashing and death. |
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments? | I will never use my phone while driving, as this could severely distract me. I can manage this by putting my phone away in the glove box/ middle console; then I can’t see or hear any notifications. I will always check your mirrors and be alert, as not knowing what your surroundings are a severe sign that you are not being alert enough. I will never drink drive (or even drink for that matter), as alcohol can affect your decision-making and instincts greatly. Sticking to this commitment will be easy as long as I don’t ever start drinking. I will never drive tired, as I could fall asleep, crash or even die. I will stick to this commitment by never driving after 8pm unless I really need to; catching public transport; getting a lift if necessary. |
This project served to forever implant in my brain to follow the road rules, be a safe driver, and especially, don’t get distracted while driving. Therefore, I can ensure the safety of myself and others when using the road.