This is all started back the last term when we got the chance to pick what innovated ed project we wanted to do. I picked a 20-dollar boss because I wanted to improve my business skills. I was very successful last year with the Christmas market but the key difference between the two markets is that the age demographics are very different. The Christmas market was much easier because it was our age group but with the 20-dollar boss, it was mostly parents.

When we started, we got the opportunity to make our partners. This is a very crucial and important part of the process of the activity because they will be the person helping you for the whole process. If choosing the wrong person, your business could go downhill easily. I was initially with another group but then peer pressured into another group. I dealt with it and strived through it. my group and I had a common strength and that was communication. If we went off-topic we could easily re-assign our work and get back on track.

We decided to make spray-painted pop sockets. We were originally going to make phone wallets but they had none of the materials needed in stock so we went for the risky option. We got the base of the pop sockets and then put them together. After that, we got spray paint & then painted them. I made a terrible mistake by placing myself next to our competition. I made the mistake of putting our product there because their product was more appealing. Even though I made that massive mistake I stole some of their customers because people prioritized quality over appearance, so we got a few more sales.

If I were to do it again, I would be more productive with my time, so we produce good quality products for all of them.

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