Sophie Brown

Media Ad Reflection- Chunky Monkey Chocolate Bars

The Process

We started the process of our ad by forming groups, in these groups we then came up with and idea for what we would create our production on. In my group was Chloe, Caleb, Sean and Josh and we came up with the idea to promote Chunky monkey chocolate bars. The first step was to make a plot and script of our idea. Then we created a story board of the whole ad. After this we learnt how to set up and use the cameras to film our ad. We each had a different job to set up the camera. Then we started filming and chose our costumes and sets. After we filmed we got all our clips and edited it into an ad.

How we came up with the idea

We came up with the idea because we wanted to film and ad that had a scene at school, so we chose to make chunky monkey chocolate bars. This is because in our ad a kid is bullied for not being strong and then he gets a chunky monkey chocolate bar and becomes muscly and popular.

3 challenges we faced creating the ad

We faced a challenge when we got a new group member, Chloe because we had to make room for her in the ad so everyone has a part. Another challenge we faced was when we had to share our space and time with another group filming in the locker room. We also faced an obstacle when we were coming up with ideas because no one knew what to do and some people didn’t agree with each other.

What I would do differently next time

Next time I would be faster to finish the story boards so we could film quicker so its less stressful at the end when we have to finish filming in the one session.

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