Sophie Brown

Global Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

3 Ways Humans Have a Negative Impact on the Water Cycle

Deforestation, urbanization and agriculture are 3 main human actions that have a negative impact on the natural water cycle. Deforestation can affect the water cycle as it causes more runoff, not giving plants the nutrients they need. This means the plants cannot grow and transpiration cannot occur, meaning there is less water evaporating. Urbanization causes less percolation as rainfall falls onto buildings instead of the ground, disabling water from going through the ground into the ocean. It also causes less runoff and floods, meaning less water is evaporating to come down again. Agriculture causes pollution that pollutes the water. This means there is letter water in the runoff. This means there is less water in the ocean to evaporate meaning less water in the water cycle.

Greywater Recycling

Every day people waste so much water when they have showers and use the sink or toilet. Greywater recycling is where you take the used shower and sink water and its recycled and used as toilet water. This saves a lot of water and recycles it, giving the water a second use.

How I will use Greywater recycling in designing a more sustainable world/city in my Project Utopia?

I will make every water system have greywater recycling to save lots of water. Every house will re-use shower and sink water for their toilets. This will mean we have more clean water to drink and more is saved. This is much better for the environment than the system we have now.

Greywater Recycling - An Untapped Water Resource Inside Buildings
Picture of how greywater recycling works

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