How do I perceive skill training and/or personal physicality
I found the amount, and difficulty of skill training we did in spec basketball this term very helpful. I found that I was much more confident as a player, and felt that my skills have increased immensely.
Reflection from WCE ALFW presenters
During spec basketball this term, we were extremely lucky to be spoken to by AFWL women about different topics in professional sport. These topics included nutrition and what it takes to be an elite athlete. These topics were very helpful as I didn’t know what types of things to eat before games without feeling sick, and what to eat afterwards. I found out that it is more about smaller meals more often, rather than bigger meals. We also learnt about how to balance a meal with protein, carbs, and vegetables, and the types of foods that can give us the energy we need.
Offensive Concepts
During the course this term, we were taught many ways to get around defenders using collaboration between teammates, such as pick and rolls. Pick and rolls are a very simple way to open space in the keyway using screens and passes. In this, the player with the ball calls for a screen on their opponent, to which they use and drive to the basket. The player who screened ‘rolls’ to the basket, leading for the open pass from the player with the ball. In this, you create a large area of space in the keyway from drawing a defender out, and get an open drive further to the basket. Defenders may come and help out to fill the space, but this only opens up more space for players on the wings or corners. We were also taught the importance of leading into a space. As long as the team is spaced out well enough and there is enough movement, there will be space to pass into. We were taught to always look for the space, and lead and pass into it in order to move the defenders. I have used this tactic many times in my games, and have found that it is very effective.

Defensive Concepts
I have previously done many defensive concepts in basketball, however was never fully confident in my skills. This term, we were taught the shell defence drill. While I have done this before, it was never to the extent that we did in this course. We were taught what to do when you’re closer to the ball, and further away, and that the defence is all about trapping and collaborating with your teammates to force the ball one way, and force a bad pass. I found this very useful, as the defence was highly effective and it was much easier to force a steal. We were also taught to stop sliding in defence, rather to run. While we’ve only ever been told to slide, I found that running to meet the defender was much more effective, and overall made me more confident in my defence.

Player Profile
Before the course this semester, I was very bad at finishing and dribbling with my left hand. With the amount of basketball skill trainings and games we participated in, I found that by the end I was much more confident with my left. I also found that I was much more confident as a player, and was able to drive much more in my wabl and domestic games. However, I have always been quite confident in my long-range shooting. Throughout the course, we worked much on our footwork when shooting. While this felt weird at first, and I couldn’t quite get the hang of it, after working on it much, I found that it helped me immensely. It was easier to get the power and height some of my shots were missing, and was much easier to shoot.
Where to from here?
I plan on continuing to develop my left hand dribbling and finishing, my defence, and my confidence. To do this, I will work specifically on my left hand, and practise on my defence in games and trainings. My confidence will come with the work I put into my skills. I will continue to play wabl, and play for my allsaints’ domestic team.