Anglicare Day

Earlier this year, on the 17th of February, I attended the Anglicare Ambassadors program launch at Christchurch Grammar School. Before applying last year, I already had an idea of the kinds of campaigns and projects we would be doing, however at the program launch we were able to see what other schools were implementing and were also informed of the importance of our work as Anglicare Ambassadors. There were many interesting projects and events that were mentioned, such as a school run op-shop, and also the sleep out.

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Hangar sign- design

In design we were given a project to design a sign for the hangar that would draw people in and create an exciting environment for people to learn and creatively work in. Throughout this design process I learnt many different design elements and principles, how to create a design portfolio, how to use adobe InDesign, and many problem solving and innovation skills.

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