In order to determine who I am as an individual, the Big Five personality test provided over 100 statements that I was required to respond to by ranking how relevant they are in my life.
My personality test report gave me an overview of what I am like as a person, saying that I am very conscientious, meaning that I am reliable, often methodical, and organised. The test also showed that I am predominantly affected by the situations and environments that I am in. I scored relatively low for extraversion, meaning that instead of getting energy by being with others, I more easily get energy by being by myself.
An overview of my results:
Openness to experience– I scored in the middle range, meaning that I am pretty neutral about learning new things and new experiences
Conscientiousness– I scored extremely high meaning that I am diligent, reliable and organised
Extraversion– I scored relatively low meaning that I am more of an introvert and highly value time by myself
Agreeableness– I scored in the middle range, meaning that I can be friendly and compassionate, but can also be considered reserved/distant at times
Natural reactions– I scored pretty high for this factor, meaning that I am often unable to control my emotions/reactions towards the situations I am in
Upon further reflection, I believe these results to be accurate in terms of the conscientiousness and extraversion sectors, as I do consider myself to be an attentive, hard-working, and largely introverted person. The results I got for openness to experience and agreeableness were both in the middle to high range (over 50%), which I agree with as it indicates that I am more open-minded and compassionate than close-minded and reserved. I also believe both of these sectors are influenced by the situation/environment and are therefore applied differently to every case (as with the other sectors, as the test is mostly generalised). Yet, I don’t believe this test accurately reflects me in the natural reaction sector, as the result says that I am an emotional person who finds it difficult to control their responses to particularly high pressure situations. I personally believe that I am able to stay calm and remain diligent in these kinds of situations, so in this sense, I believe this result is not a true reflection of who I am.
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