Earlier this year, on the 17th of February, I attended the Anglicare Ambassadors program launch at Christchurch Grammar School. Before applying last year, I already had an idea of the kinds of campaigns and projects we would be doing, however at the program launch we were able to see what other schools were implementing and were also informed of the importance of our work as Anglicare Ambassadors. There were many interesting projects and events that were mentioned, such as a school run op-shop, and also the sleep out.
With the information from the program launch, we began planning for Anglicare day, which happened on the 17th of June, in Term 2. I learnt many skills such as problem solving while we were trying to figure out the logistics of the day, as we started with many different ideas and then had to narrow them down. There were many things we had to consider in the process of planning this day- we needed a fundraiser aspect, as we wanted to raise awareness, but also money for Anglicare WA. We also wanted the events to appeal to the students and to be interesting and new.
After meeting to discuss the event, we finally decided on doing a jumper day, sausage sizzle, and dying teachers hair to raise awareness. We delegated some of the roles and I got the job of making the promotional material for the day- such as posters and ppt slides. Leading up to the day, I was also tasked with helping to speak at chapel to promote the events.
On the actual day we had to dye the nominated teacher’s hair, run the sausage sizzle, as well as collect money for the jumper day. Overall, I felt that this event was really exciting, and it was really satisfying to see that just a small event we had planned was able to raise a lot of money for a good cause.
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