precious plastics 2022 semester 1

In innovatED this semester we started of with vector tracing. we custom made our own moulds on illustrator. we then send these to the laser cutter and these were cut out of acrylic. the inside of the mould came out and made a really good key chains.

We then started preparing for the market and we sold many of our products that we have made. I was working with Daniel on sanding and preparing some of the clipboards. this required us to drill and measure holes for the rivets that hold the clip on. for the market, Felicity and I sold numerous of the products we had made over the semester. we had lots of fun doing this as many products sold. the most popular was the plant pots.

We also started sorting the type 4 and type 2 plastic into colours ready to be shredded. we also learnt how to operate the various precious plastics machines. I had lots of fun doing precious plastics over semester 1.