- an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.”misplaced faith in political utopias has led to ruin”
What is this project about?
This project was about re-designing the Fremantle port to a place where all people can thrive.
When we started this project back at the beginning of term 3, it was immediately clear that this project was going to be completely different. The aim was to redesign Fremantle Port into a place where everyone will thrive. Our group faced many challenges with lots of decisions to make. We had lots of input from adults like Ms Shaw, two landscape architects (Georgia Scott, and Grace Ferraz). These people influenced our final design in many amazing ways. We would not end up with the final design that we had if it wasn’t for them to help us.
Our group decided to do a green space because the Fremantle Port was completely concrete. If the port was to be reused as a recreational space, the concrete would be unsuitable for families to relax and enjoy the environment. We wanted to use locally sourced materials to create the perfect green space. We learned so much during this project. We took away newfound skills to do with sustainability, aboriginal culture, and innovation. We used all of these skills that we learned over this term to create the perfect green space.
The UN global goals were a very important part of this project as they were the building blocks of our plan. We had to decide which goals to use and when. As Australia is ranked 193rd on the UN global goals, we wanted to get Australia to the number 1 spot. And this park would help. global goal 11 is about sustainable cities and communities. this is relevant to our project as we were creating a community space. we learnt a lot’s about sustainable developments and how to make sustainable choices
The ASC capabilities were important to consider for this project. And overall, our group functioned quite well. We used collaboration, effective communication, inquiry skills, and resilience. These skills are relevant in the future when we have a career and need this process to collaborate with others.
In conclusion, Project Utopia was a very educating project and I learned a lot from it. these skills are ones that I will have with me for life and use well during my career. thank you to my group members, Holly, Sampreeti, Ebony, and Fin.