Rock Climbing and Kayaking
At the beginning of Lock in this semester the goals I wanted to achieve for the Kayaking and the rock climbing were for kayaking going in a straight line for a good amount of time at a high speed and for rock climbing completing a overhang and a incline wall. This wasn’t going badly at the start as i was able to get to the end of the overhang and was able to stay straight at medium speeds but about 2 lessons into kayaking and 4 lessons into roping and rock climbing I got Injured during PE, I fractured the lower of my fibula which is the outer bone in your lower leg. I was unable for 6 weeks to do any water activity and 9 weeks for no rock climbing. I also was out for covid during this time for 2 weeks and only watched 2 more lessons before they finished during my quarantine the lessons I watched however I saw Grace who left the class finish the right side incline and Ryan finish both of the overhangs. but for the lessons I did I only got to past the overhang but had a hard time climbing up the flat part because of fatigue and lack of good holds. For the kayaking lessons I did we went for a small kayak and did some turns and races which was all pretty standard I was middle of the pack roughly but there was a time that we rafted up and someone had to walk across this person was Liam he was like the largest person in the class both tall and he had broad shoulders. It was very funny he pulled someone in with him and fell off himself about 3-4 kayaks in. The second lesson which was the last that I participated in we were learning how to flip with skirts and fall out then see-saw on another persons boat to bring the water out. I did this with jack it was very funny watching jack try to push his kayak around but very fun none the less the next exercise was the most fun though, I did this with Katie and we had to flip but stay attached to the kayak then pull ourselves up with the bow of the other persons boat. I found this very fun because it was a warm day and it was very refreshing to do this and very fun to laugh at the other person. Then the injury where i did not do anything for about 10 weeks with 2 of the weeks being holidays and another 2 being out with covid. Skip forward to bush cooking we started by learning how to collect wood make good fires too cook over using jarrah wood. I was put into a group with James and Isabel. We prepared the first two meals even though we did not start cooking until after the holidays. We arranged to cook pasta with Bolognese sauce. Before we went cooking though we had my absolute highlight of Lock because of my injury, the dwelling up trip. We had to wake very early to be at the bus at the ISC for 6:45 am. We left but it wasn’t great that we couldn’t go in the bus with other classes. When we got there we had to have a different teacher then Ms Stieber because she has 2 classes so instead we had Ms Bykerk, she was also really good. As soon as we touched base in Dwellingup everyone got what they needed for treetop adventures. I have done this before but only in Yanchep not Dwellingup. Once we got there we got the harnesses fitting and then the tutorial on how the double carabiner locks worked, you had to put one on then click the key in which would lock that and then the other would unlock. After doing the practice we went to home tree where you could go to any from there. Katie, Liam, Thenuk and I all started with the red course as a warmup. The course started with a rope ladder that swung around quite a lot. It was very easy, next was the zigzag wood planks. After some light rain the planks were a little slippery while also swaying around, though we did get through with ease. The course ended after some climbing on a cargo net 2 ziplines and rotating logs finishing with a freefall.
Powers we used in Lock were teamwork because we did almost every things in teams like for climbing we needed to communicate with our b-layer and for kayaking we needed to communicate with others for if we fell in or what we were doing. Also we used problem solving because we encountered a number of problems namely starting fires and cooking, the last one is organisation because we had to bring all the items when we went on the excursion and also the food for bush cooking.
LNT – We demonstrated Leave no trace in this unit as not to be wasteful and damaging to the environment. Whenever we had outdoor activates we were responsible in leaving the area clean taking away all unnatural items and bring out rubbish with us