During innovat[ED] in terms 3-4 I found that our clean-up was really successful most groups had 1/2 a bag full with rubbish while others (like my trio) had a full bag of harvested rubbish. throughout the clean-up there was a lot of rubbish deep in the woods in areas thick with trees, grass and shrubbery where not many people would find the rubbish but TAM (Tristan (A.K.A me(A.A.K.A Tristiano Rolando)), Mu (A.K.A Moo Moo) and Archie (A.K.A The Arch Nemesis)) would prevail and look through the spiny and spiky patches of bush to find… pink elastic and a plastic bag(climax of everyone’s life). Also throughout the term I helped with the plan by looking for the location and risks involved in the beach clean-up I also aided the other groups when they needed assistance such as Samantha’s mini-group for their parts of the plan.
That’s all Folks
Goodbye and R.I.P Term 3 Innovat[ED]