For the global goals, elective my partner for this project, Thomas, and I have to choose a global goal and are working to try and help finish it. Our global goal was life on land, we decided to focus on animal conservation. This is because biodiversity is a big player in our planet’s life. For our project, we decided to focus on helping vulnerable or endangered birds. We used the design thinking process to enable us to properly understand and achieve our end target. Initially, we wanted to make bird boxes for the red-tailed black cockatoo. There are only 5000 of them left in the world but after phoning the council we found out that they bred in the wheat belt as well as the trouble they would cause in the metro area we decided to focus on the Australian ringneck. (see below)

the Australian ringnecks are not currently endangered but due to the introduced species, the rainbow lorikeet that eats the same food and lives in the same area and the number of Australian ringnecks is rapidly declining, but with the help of the re-cyc-ology project with Simon cherriman and Dani we ran a workshop during which we built 10 bird boxes, gave 5 away to people there and we are still selling the remaining few. Here are some photos of me and Tristan working on the boxes. We followed the design of a PDF Simon Cherriman had provided. After some minor tweaks to fit our needs we managed to make 3 bird boxes on our own and then as a group we built 10 more, two of the three we made ourselves was put up in our local area’s and the third went to ms Provis.

based on the improvements we listed last semester we have still not employed a better method to empty the log hollow we put on the front of the box. But what we did do is line the box with metal because our last boxes were ravaged by galahs, these updates protect our box from attacks. We recently found one of our old boxes was infested with bees, but the metal protects against the bees as well, the only thing to do now is monitor the boxes and sell the remaining ones.
During the process, we reached a few issues. We struggled to get materials a few points point, at another we could cut them and at some points, we didn’t even know if we could put up our boxes. Overall we managed to trudge through all issues and managed to achieve our goal. Throughout this project, Thomas and I have managed to grow our capabilities. We grew teamwork, organization, and problem-solving. This was a great course and we both learned so much.
Special thanks to Simon and Dani for helping us with our project this semester. Also a big thanks to Ms. Brookland, Mr. Haddow, Ms. Donnelly, and our parents.