3rd Place in Robocup Junoir
The teamwork and Leadership involved
During the school holidays, Robocup held robotics competitions for schools across Australia. Competing in the competitions greatly improved my teamwork and leadership skills which I believe are important in our daily lives. In the hours we had to complete the courses (Explained below) my group and I collaborated well to overcome the many challenges that faced us.
The competition consisted of 6 courses, three for each day. In order to complete a course, the robot must follow a line on the tiles and make it to a ‘spill zone’ which is a green section of tiles. Once the robot makes it to the spill zone it must grab the can and push it out of the spill zone then exit and follow the course again. Our LEGO technic robot, which we had worked on for many weeks before the competition, was prepared and ready to complete the courses.
(Video: Our robot completing a successful rescue, note this is a moc of the actual course)
On the first of the courses, it was clear that there was an issue with our robot as it could not sense the can. As a team, we collaborated together and tried many ideas. Finally, I advised an idea for the robot to double-check the can was Infront of it before it deployed its claw.

My team and I after competing in the completion (Left: William, Middle: Senuka, Right: Aiman)
The idea seemed promising, and it is now coded into the robot. There were a lot of other challenges as well, especially to do with sensing the can. l contributed as much as I could towards my team and eventually, we found the fault of the issues and managed to fix them. Overall we worked well together and we each collaborate well as a team and helped other teams who were struggling.
The experience and skills I learned during this competition were invaluable and I enjoyed competing. My team and I were incredibly pleased with 3rd place as it showed all our team’s hard work and the teamwork and leadership involved in making it happen.
328 Words.