This Is my Health poster
What were the biggest things I learnt during the task?
The biggest things I learnt was the sheer number of young people speeding in WA. In a survey around 84% of young drivers admitted to exceeding the speed limit.
I also learnt many other things such as 40% have admitted to being involved in a crash. 73% have admitted to having over-confidence. Many young drivers tend to have a bad ‘it will never happen to me’ attitude.
I was also surprised that inexperience an over-confidence tend to be the cause of deaths and serious injuries of young drivers.
I was also surprised that 75% have been in a car where the driver speeded.
What is one piece of advice I would pass on to young drivers above all else?
I would advise young drivers against speeding because that seems to me to be the one of the biggest and most easy rule to break. This is evident in the research done by the survey above.
By speeding you are decreasing your reaction time which is an especially important factor for young drivers because they lack the experience to react fast enough if something goes wrong.
My pledge for when I start driving, Why did I pick these and how will I commit to it?
To never speed.
To never drink drive.
To never look on my phone while I drive.
Always watch the road.
Don’t become over-confident.
Always make sure the car is safe to drive beforehand.
Always obey road laws.
Always be a responsible and safe driver.
I picked these because they cover all of the aspects of safe and responsible driving. I will commit to these every time I drive no matter how much I feel like otherwise. I will make sure I commit to these because I understand the consequences if I break them.