$20 BOSS

In innovated we did 20 dollar boss it is a project where groups of 2, 3, or 4 innovate and design products which they would sell at the in-school market. We had to use many different skills like leadership, innovation and design in this project. we also had to be very time observant and understanding on how long it would take.

In this project, I was in a group with my friends Simba, Charlie, Max, and me. In our group we had many different roles, I was the exel and money person, charlie was the leader, Simba was the designer, and Max was the form filler.


In week one we thought of and tried to make an original idea. Originally we came up with the idea of doing smelly stickers which were scratched in week 2 as we did not see a way in which we could make the products and how we are going to sell them. Next, we came up with the idea of the keychains by basically just brainstorming in weeks 2 and 3. We kept the keychain’s idea until the market. In weeks 4 and 5 we made the excel spreadsheets and the design that we are going to use for the keychains. In week 6 we started planning the table design and we drew more designs. In weeks 7 and 8 we finished up all of the table designs and the designs for the keychains. then week 9 was the market. Unfortunately before the market day, we only made one of each letter for the plastic and wood letter keychains which created problems on the day.


On the day all of my group members were early to set up our table. On the day we did not sell out unfortunately but we did sell most of our products and we made a profit. We ran into problems on the day, they were mainly the fact that we only made one of each letter in plastic and wood, it was a problem because people kept asking for a letter that we sold out of.


In conclusion, the project went pretty well, but we did not do as well as first thought. It would have been better if we used our time better and if we spent more time on the development of the product as it created some problems with selling. If I was to give advice to someone starting this project I would say that they have to use their time effectively, talk to their group for every step, to make a prototype about two weeks before the actual market so you can get it checked by the teachers, and to make a step by step guide on what you are going to do each week to help you manage your time.

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