Innovat[ED] – Chickens

Filed under: Uncategorised — Zoe Vassallo at 11:34 am on Tuesday, June 14, 2022

This semester in innovated I was given the opportunity to learn how to look after chickens properly. At the start of term 1 my group and I decided that we wanted to work with younger children and help them understand how to look after chickens and teach them about chickens. We started to brainstorm ways to bring the children and get them excited, once we had sent our emails preposing our idea to the year 1s and preprimary teachers, covid hit and ruined our plan so we had to brainstorm something new to do we all knew that we still wanted to work with children so we decided to make a fun and interacting powerpoint for the young ones to watch 

Chicken information.pptx

In week 7 of term 2 we were finally able to hang out with the children and chickens again so we spoke to Mr Christie (the assistant dean of joiuner school) and made plans for week 8/9 to be able to have the young children at chickens 

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