Project Utopia

Filed under: Uncategorised — Zoe Vassallo at 8:18 pm on Tuesday, October 26, 2021

In this project, we were given the opportunity to design our own part of Fremantle, It wouldnโ€™t have been possible without the Global Goals or using the ASC Capabilities Wheel. We were split up into random groups for weeks one and two but in week three week got our real groups, my group was Myself, Sienna G, Rohan P and Alex M. We got a lot of opportunities one was to go on an excursion to Fremantle Port and the other one was to get a presentation from Nicole Lockwood. She explained what the project was about and how it was going to work.

Global Goals
ASC capabilities wheel
Fremantle Port Excursion

Communication was one of the main capabilities needed for this project. I learnt that if you donโ€™t use effective communication, I wonโ€™t get as much work done as I would if you used effective communication. When we were coming up with the name for the place we had designed we couldnโ€™t pick so we had two visitors Steven Pratt and Romey Lawson help us decide what to call it. They gave us the idea of Treemantle they had decided on this name because there was lots of greenery and it was sustainable.  Sometimes our group’s communication would end up in screaming or arguments, but we would always work something out because we realized we werenโ€™t talking to each other right and we needed to use proper communication. I used communication when talking to teachers, visitors, and my peers. When we displayed our project in Week 9, we had to use effective communication whilst talking to everyoneโ€™s parents and explaining what was on our vision board. 

Organization played a big role in project utopia. I learned that if I’m not organized you wonโ€™t get as much work done, I think my team could have been a bit more organized with what work we were doing during that lesson. One of my biggest roles was to print out the photos for our vision board this meant to make sure all of the photos were saved on my computer it was stressful something I did wrong was forget to save some photos, but I learnt from that mistake and remember to save every photo file I had and that boosted my organization skills. We kept all of our diagrams, research paper and more in our tub and that helped to be more organized, we would regularly clean out our tub to make sure we werenโ€™t just keeping junk that would take us off track so we could stay focused.

Organization played a big role in project utopia. I learned that if youโ€™re not organized you wonโ€™t get as much work done, I think my team could have been a bit more organized with what work we were doing during that lesson. One of my biggest roles was to print out the photos for our vision board this meant to make sure all of the photos were saved on my computer it was stressful something I did wrong was forget to save some photos, but I learnt from that mistake and remember to save every photo file I had and that boosted my organization skills. We kept all of our diagrams, research paper and more in our tub and that helped to be more organized, we would regularly clean out our tub to make sure we werenโ€™t just keeping junk that would take us off track so we could stay focused.

Live, Work and Play brainstorm

When looking at the capabilities wheel, one thing that we had to do was collaborate sometimes it was hard whilst other times it was easy. We divide up all our research and then came together and shared them then we would use collaboration to make a big list of everything we researched with one person finalizing the research to make sure it’s accurate. We had to make speeches to say to any visitors on presentation day we gave each other feedback and helped with everyoneโ€™s speeches we joined with another group to collaborate and give feedback to each other. When it came time for our vision board, I realised that it wouldnโ€™t be possible to put it together without collaboration, so everyone picked up a glue stick and started gluing. This project wouldnโ€™t have been possible without collaboration.

All of our work

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