Empathy is understanding what people are going through and giving them the support they need, walking in another person’s shoes is another way to say it. people need to use empathy online when say a family member is sick then you send a thought full message to them a key things I learned during this health unit is not commenting or texting without thinking so I can say the right thing before just text and comment without really thinking about what you are going to say. I have learned you need to use empathy to make sure what you are about to say is okay and that it will not hurt the person.
People need to stand up to bullies and they need to know their rights and responsibilities online as well as offline. Bulling is wrong but still, people do it. You need to know how to stop cyber-bullies and know how to not get affected by what people say. Something I have learned is that you need to stand up to cyber bullies to stop terrible things from happening. I have heard and seen many stories of teen kids committing suicide because they were getting bullied online so bullying online and offline needs to stop if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything this was one of the main things I can remember when I was young when I was fighting with my brother this powerful quote could save lives if we stop being rude online.
On social media, people think they can hide behind the screen so they can say anything they want with no consequences but that is not true. In this unit I have learned not to be a bio stander but an upstanderĀ so if I see someone being attacked online then you should do something about it, you could not say anything at all if you cant think of one thing nice to say or you could write them a nice message and tell the other people to get stuffed.