Class Representative

Year 7

In Semester 2 of year 7, I was chosen to be one of two Class Representatives. I was grateful to represent our class and year level. Being a Class Representative helped me build confidence and collaborate. We had many responsibilities such as making sure everything important is written on the board and making sure we attend the meetings that are organised. In term 3 all of the Class Representative’s were to communicate and find different ideas about our process of the year 7 Project Utopia. We all had to work together to create a speech to record for an introduction video to the parents and guests. In term 4 we had opportunities to collaborate to help make a PowerPoint about the Christmas market so that younger years can understand the market and we also helped out in the parent information day by modelling the appropriate school uniforms, making the parents feel welcome and also help packing up. I enjoyed helping out the community.

Music Captain 2019

Last year I was chosen to be 1 of 8 people to be Music Captain. Before these leadership positions were chosen you had to fill in a form for the leader you want to do. More than 30 students applied to be music captain.

Being a music captain has taught me many things including building the core capabilities, new instruments, and being a role model. In this position, I had to take time from class to prepare things so I had to manage my time and be organised.

One big thing that happens every year is the BMN ( Big Music Night) the BMN is a music night where all music ensembles, music groups (students who learn an instrument from school), and students who audition to do a music item. The BMN is the time where we as music captains have to be organised, manage time and not stress out. This was very nerve-racking for me as I wasn’t a person who likes to do public speaking especially in front of more than 500 people I don’t know. It was tough for me but I used my confidence and got through it.

During the time I was a Music Captain, as a group we collaborated and made a band, my music teacher taught me how to play the electric and bass guitar. I have learned so much from being a music captain and have used these new strengths and skills for high school.