Health Reflections- Mia

At the beginning of the unit the online platforms I used were Instagram, Tick tock, Stan, Netflix, Pinterest, YouTube, iMessage and face time. I still use these platforms but I’m a lot more conscious of the things I post and how what I say will effect others.

The key thing I learnt from this health unit is what empathy means and how it’s different from sympathy. Sympathy is saying ‘well at least this’ which, although you’re trying to help, doesn’t cheer the person up. Showing empathy doesn’t mean that you always have to understand and respond to what the other persons telling you. It could just mean saying ‘I don’t know how to fix that but I’m always here to talk too’. It means being a good listener. I got this information from the video with the moose and the bear, from the booklet.

In the padlet I talked about how terrible it is that so many young teenagers (specifically girls) commit suicide and that there’s not may things to prevent it. Although there are organisation’s like the kids helpline that do try to prevent these things they still occur way to often. The reason I was thinking about this is because of the video of the girl getting bullied online.

This health unit made me think about how what I say on social media may affect others. For example, if I posted a photo of me and some of my friends another friend who saw the photo might feel left out. It’s important that you always think before you post on social media because it’s up there forever.

Since I was already quite cautious about what I put on social media I don’t think that I’ll change a lot but there are definitely some things I’ll be more aware of. For example, like I already said I’ll think about how what I’m posting will effect others and that it’ll stay online forever.


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