Health Assessment- Alcohol Expo

In Term 3, we were given a task to create an alcohol expo to inform and educate students about alcohol and binge drinking. Every group would then have to present this to a group of students using their idea.

Question 1

What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?

During this task, I learnt many things while completing this task. Obviously doing this assessment widely enlarged my knowledge about alcohol and drinking but most importantly, I learnt how to effectively communicate with different peers and different personalities. Some people may prefer you to tell them face to face and explain everything, while some people may just want you to tell them what you want them to do. I also learnt that there much more ways to present ideas other than a PowerPoint or infographic, our group was able to think out of the box and come up with many creative ideas than finally settle on one. I believe this task was a great experience and I have learnt many things from it.

Question 2

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? Why?

One piece of advice I would pass on to young teenagers above all else is just to not drink before you reach the legal age of 18. During this task, we learnt and research about many things that could and would go wrong with underage drinking like legal problems, disruption of normal growth and physical and sexual violence. Even in more severe cases, it can create changes in brain development that may have life-long effects and an increased risk of suicide or homicide. These can all be the result of underage drinking, therefore a piece of advice I would pass on would be for young teenagers to not even drink before the legal age limit.

Question 3

How did you and your group members work together? What did you do well and what could have been improved?

I personally think that my group members and I worked well during this task and didn’t have any issues with time management in getting the research and task finished. Our group had created a shared word document for us to work on with each of us picking 1 topic to research, we had placed our info into that document. As this task is a learning process, there were things that could have been improved. A major thing that I think could’ve been improved was our use of class time, as I strongly believe we would have finished much earlier if we had used all the time in class efficiently. But overall, I believe our group worked well on this task.

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