role models and me

My core values:


I think it’s very important to respect people first to gain their acceptance, whether it’s doing small things to try to make their day such as opening the door for them, smiling at them, complimenting them or asking them if they’re doing well, doing these tasks also shows that you respect them which also makes you leave some sort of impression.


This is a strong value because when you love something or someone, you tend to give some sort of attention to them. You have to have passion, commitment is devoted to showing someone love, it connects you to them. Any sort of kind gesture towards something shows that you love them and I think it’s important to have that in life.


I feel like this is my strongest value because I don’t get irritated easily, it’s a hard thing to do but eventually, I overcome it because I think fighting or getting mad is pointless and won’t get anywhere. Being patient shows people that you are capable of waiting a long time which is an impressive skill.

My role model:

Who is she?

Anna Paul is an Australian influencer who vlogs about her daily life, her family consists of her mother, father, brother (Atis Paul), brother’s girlfriend (Mikaela Testa) and boyfriend (Glen Thomson).

Why do people look up to them?

People think Anna’s body is very in shape which makes her able to wear amazing clothes and receive many compliments, making some other people insecure because they don’t ‘work out to get a nice body. She shows her fans in many posts vlogs of her eating which is a big highlight of all her videos, in any of the food videos, you can see her eat a lot of delicious food and be confident of bloating and not regret anything after that because she loves and listens to her body.

The positive things about them

Anna is quite a positive person with a great mindset, she inspires many young Australian girls since she is kind to her fans and is honest with them about everything. Because she vlogs so much, she tells her fans just about everything going on in her life which shows she is quite comfortable about being open.

What do they look like/are they healthy or not

I assume Anna is a decently healthy person as she shows in her vlogs that she sometimes works out, does yoga and makes healthy food as well and says she doesn’t smoke or consume alcohol.

House of values

Some value that Anna has that stands out is her love for others, for example, her mother, it is known that Anna and her mother have a very strong mother-daughter bond together, when they were really poor Anna would work hard to earn enough so that she could thank her mother for taking care of her by buying her a pair of shoes around $100 (which was considered expensive to them) and now Anna’s still showing her love to her mother by spoiling her with designer items, holiday trips, or just a simple act of taking care of her when she is sick.

Another value of Anna’s that stands out to me is her respect/kindness to others, when she’s crowded by her fans she can handle the situation really well without having to panic or stress, there was also this one time where these 2 girls gave her $50 for free and she used it to pay for everyone behind her since she couldn’t accept such a gift and the girls wouldn’t accept the cashback. It shows that she is a kind person because she uses things she is grateful for to give back.

The bad:

Why is Oli London trending?

Who is he?

Oli London is a British influencer who has been doing plastic surgery since 2013, he attempted to become ‘trans racial’ and is obsessed when it comes to trying to look like Jimin, one of the members from a K-pop group called BTS.

Like I said, Oli has been obsessed with looking Asian because he wants attention and fame. Many people say that he doesn’t actually ‘care’ about Jimin and only does it so that he can get noticed more, it’s stupid really trying to look like a different race for attention. He doesn’t look as healthy because of all the surgery he’s done in the past years, so his face looks quite fake (kind of like plastic), his hair doesn’t look very natural. He also admitted to the media that he spent around $250,000 on 18 different surgeries.

Oli London Responds to Rachel Dolezal Comparisons

Oli’s transition to becoming ‘100% Korean’ has shocked millions of people, I think he promotes an unhealthy obsession of not accepting his own differences (his actual race) and just trying to change it by surgery. We should all accept and embrace our differences because it’s ok to be different. Oli also was quite offensive by trying to say some sort of Asian language but mixing it with all sorts of words from countries in Asia. He is changing races quickly, one day he’s speaking Korean, the next day his whole personality becomes Japanese, then another day he becomes Filipino.

Oli’s actions thankfully haven’t influenced most young people, I think it should stay that way because it isn’t necessary to become a different race, you just get born with it and have to stick and embrace it for a whole lifetime. Thankfully our society enjoys embracing all races, cultures and traditions because we are more accepting being racist is now really wrong.

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