Brutalist Lego Buildings

Perth Concert Hall – a well known Perth brutalist building


This term in art we were focusing on brutalist buildings which is a type of building that has a massive blocky appearance with a geometric style. Perth has quite a few of them around the city that you could easily spot. Researching these buildings gave me and my classmates some sort of idea of how we were going to be doing this project

a picture of one of my models

Creating the lego

While we were researching this whole project, Ms Elscot told us to make our own brutalist buildings based on the inspiration of brutalist buildings around the world. We had to get pieces of lego and put them together to create a type of interesting building, I made about 3 models which worked out pretty well but I then decided to go with a different one (I didn’t get to put the picture of it down though ☹). We had to take about 6 photos for 1 model to see the sides. After that, we had to make the walls to pour the pinkysil in to create the mould, we measured then cut out the walls, then hot-glued and sticky taped them onto the board where the lego was glued on. We then created the pinkysil and poured it onto the lego then led to pouring the concrete mix in and waiting for it to dry so that we can pop the lego out.

Photos for the whole thing

my concrete
charlotte taking picture of our moulds
My mould
Ms Elscot making the concrete mould

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