Hass project update 1

As a piece in our year 10 learning, we are able to research and build a project based upon a topic chosen, which will be showcased in term 4 through an exhibition. My project will be done in a pair with Lily Kettle. As a part of this project, we need to identify capabilities that we belive are needed. In this post I will talk about capabilities I think I will need, planning so far in the project, what we have done so far and what we are planning to do in the future.

Lily and I have chosen our topic to be civics. This will be presented through the events of the Ted Bundy case. I think the capabilities we will need are:

  • Effective communiction
  • Organisation
  • collaborative skills
  • creativity
  • self- awareness
  • resilience

There are many more capabilities I will need but after this first week, those are the ones I have observed. I plan to develop these skills more deeply throughout the project.

So far Lily and I have together researched the events of the Ted Bundy case in a timeline, how Ted’s education helped him as a serial killer, his girlfriend (Elizabeth Kloepfer), and just general information on Ted Bundy. Lily and I have decided to present our idea in the form of a mini-museum. The steps we have completed are creating bibliographies of our references in APA format, planned our presentation, researched everything we need to create our timeline, and began creating an evidence board. We have a clear idea of what we want our presentation to be which is drafted in the picture below:

This is a draft of what our museum would look like

Here is a timeline of what we have and need to do in the future:

week 9: 5 bibliographies written, research the case, plan our museum

week 10: complete other 5 bibliographies, start creating our timeline, continue on our evidence page

week 1: complete evidence board and timeline, begin writing about Teds former girlfriend and his education

the timeline will be updated past week 1 in the following progress updates.