Progress update 2

As a piece of year 10 learning in HASS, an exhibition is being held displaying our learning. We have been given a topic and are creating a presentation on anything under it. Lily and I are doing a civics project on the events of the Ted Bundy case. This will be displayed through a mini-museum and will include a timeline and an evidence board.

Since the last progress update, Lily and I have decided to create a map that shows everywhere Ted Bundy went showing his victims, places he lives, his arrests, his escapes, and where he died. We have also had the idea to create a book of information about Ted’s life including his childhood, education, and his former girlfriend.

Throughout the project, Lily and I have needed to use capabilities to ensure everything runs smoothly. Making sure to follow these capabilities closely has been essential to our project and making sure everything gets done and is up to standard. These capabilities are:

Organization- Lily and I are both naturally disorganized people so staying organized is important for both of us. This could include having a planner for what we need to get done by a certain time and making time for us to work on the project outside of class.

Ethics- Making sure our project is ethical is very important to us. Our project is about a brutal serial killer so staying respectful to the victims is important. This will be done by ensuring our project is entirely factual and doesn’t include bias to ensure Ted isn’t seen as impressive.

Collaborative skills- Collaborative skills are important because we need to work together to complete our project. Dividing work between us and helping each other along the way has been necessary for our project.

Since our last project update, Lily and I have started putting together the map, evidence board, and timeline. Here is an example of what the map could look like:

It would include a key below is explaining each of the dots.

In the next week, we are planning to complete the map and evidence board as well as put together all the information we need for the rest of the project so that when we make the book and timeline it is easy to put it all together. We plan to complete the entire project in two weeks.

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