Year 9 Camp

This year was Year 9 camp in Kalbarri, and it was a great experience where I was able to work on my teamwork skills. At the camp, there were a lot of fun teams building exercises that helped to teach us how to use teamwork and put our learning into action. Some of the team-building exercises included building the tents and cooking food. All of these activities needed teamwork because you could not do them alone. 

For instance, when we were building the tents, we had to use teamwork because while 2 of us helped to hold up the tent one would have to put the pole through, and without working together and using communication, we wouldn’t have been able to put it up successfully. we were not allowed to have help from the adults which made us use teamwork because there was no other way to do it. 

It was the same situation with the cooking. If one person had tried to do it alone, it would have taken much longer and our group probably would have ended up eating in the dark (which would not have been very easy), but with teamwork, we were able to get the job done fast and efficiently. When it was time for my group to do the cooking, I was fast at chopping the food, and Tiana was good at using the Trangia. Doing this together, we all used teamwork and brought our own individual skills to the table. We all showed teamwork at camp in so many ways and whenever anyone needed help someone would help without question.

From this camp I have learnt to work better as a team and worked with new people. This experience has also helped build my friendships and make them stronger