My favourite subjects at school is sport I love to be outdoors and not in a classroom. I am studying many different subjects this year that I am not doing next year like design, money matter and some of my main subjects. I like to take down notes in class and revising as my study it helps me a lot because I know it is my notes and not someone else’s when it makes sense to me. I learn many different things outside of school than I do in school like hospitality. The three things I have learnt in life is being kind can get you a long way in life, to think of others, point off views and what is going on in their life, also if your dedicated to someone go and get it. I have a plan to go to UNI and I have a TAFE course I am doing in year 11 and 12 for next year and the following. The courses I will be doing is
Human biology
health studies
English general
math essentials
Sport couching
VET course