In this project, we learnt about the principles of justice that uphold Australia’s legal system, such as the presumption of innocence, an impartial judiciary, and the right to legal representation. I studied the case of Lloyd Rayney and analysed how these principles were both upheld and violated in this case. After writing an essay on the topic, we were required to incorporate feedback and edit the essay so that it was fit for online publication. This essay is the end result of that editing process. It demonstrates my ability to take feedback, and to refine a piece of written work to produce a professional result.

Case summary:

In the Lloyd Rayney case, his wife Corryn disappeared in 2007 after her weekly boot scooting class. Her body was than found 10 days later around the top of king’s park (Thomas St). He was than charged 3 years later for the killing of Corryn.

Equality before the law. It supported the case for Lloyd to at least feel free from the nasty insults in which society was willing to share for Lloyd Rayney. Lloyd Rayney however was accused none other in the jury, but also in the public where teenagers were motivated to accuse Lloyd Rayney as the murderer. However, investigations and communication went by in the jury as a responsible matter to discuss a case for confirmation without any accused insults being passed on.

Human rights. Lloyd Rayney has the human rights to visit court and share his responses along with his lawyer on stating the fact that he isn’t the accused. This principle of justice help supports the case to mislead the judges into understanding the fact that Lloyd Isn’t the accused. This principle of justice was compromised for Lloyd Rayney to share his feedback on what he is willing to share for the jury to hear. He wants to state that he is innocent, and he want the person who was fully responsible for charged murderer.

All individuals are equal before the law. As the accused along with the audience, everyone is to be treated equally before the law, whether there are criminal background or others that are not well performed. This was supported in the case where Lloyd as the accused who faces a lot of consult has the right to be treated equally before the law. This was compromised for Lloyd Rayney to understand that he has this time to be treated equally before the jury begins.

Reliable evidence Reliable evidence was shared between the evidence found on Mr.’s Raynes body and clothes along with clothes ripped, zippers torn apart and boots with dragged marks along with the spiked sweet gums found on the inside of the hair which proves that Lloyd Rayney could be the prime Suspect. This was compromised in the case where the car to place to show that the evidence and clues found in the case shows that there could potentially be two people on the case. This was none other discovered by sand marks found at the end edges of the front two seats along with the driver’s seat to be adjusted at a level where tall people would comfortably drive. However, Lloyd was positioned to be a small citizen meaning that this case would not compromise the fact that Lloyd could be the Prime suspect of this story.