
In the first term of Muir this year, We learnt about snorkeling. In the first 2 – 3 weeks we learnt about SAFE SNORKEL (An acronym to stay safe) and also learnt hand symbols to also keep safe while out in open waters. After our training in class, we headed down to the ASC pool for week. The pool is an enclosed environment we learnt skills such as duck dives and clearing our goggles underwater. The pool made us confident in a skills and getting more ability’s.


After the few weeks in closed environment (The pool) we headed down to Coogie beach and the Maritime trail (The shipwreck). Coogie beach is an amazing place to snorkel, lots of marine life and stuff to do such as looking at the different submerged objects. When we got there, we left our stuff on the bus but just got our snorkels and towel. At Coogee, we went down the steps into the bay of the beach. and left equipment into the water. We buddied up and went out. Out at Coogee, we swam around the shipwreck and explored all the submerged objects. We did the same thing for 3 weeks just for our training.


On the last day of school, we escaped education for the day and went to Rottnest. We caught a ferry and traveled over to Rottnest. At Rottnest, we did our quick brief and went out into the water. We were the first group to go out and was an amazing experience. We saw lots of aquatic life and other cool coral and rocks. While going out, we saw a seal! only a few people saw it but it swam under us. We went out another time and also did our practises that we normally do. I took some photos of some fish and people.


Leadership. I Was a good leader during the snorkeling experience. I never followed anyone and explored stuff on my own without people getting in my way and ruining the experience. I still stayed near my group members for safety.

Self-aware. I had good self-awareness during the snorkeling swims because I stayed near my group members. We had to stay near our group members to stay safe.