About Me

Ayona [iy-o-na]
Born in England to a loving couple, on the 18th of January 2006, from the minute I took my first steps, there was purpose in every step I took. That is something that hasn’t changed to this day. I moved to Australia in 2012 and fell in love with our country. In 2016 I joined ASC as a bright eye bushy-tailed year 5 student. I was determined to jump at every opportunity that presented itself. Looking back, my younger self would be so proud of the individual I have become.

My dedication not only to the College but to every one of my pursuits has been admired and acknowledged by many.

I am a passionate student driven by success and dedicated to everything I pursue. My passions lie in service, sport, helping those around me and spending time with my loved ones. I am part of many communities, a few being; the All Saints’ Community, the Young Leaders Council at UWA and the Catalyst Leadership Team.

In my eyes, the best gift I have been given in life is the opportunity to give back. I am so lucky to have a family that supports my endeavours and to have access to numerous ways to give back to the community. My love for service and leadership was nurtured and flourished at the College. Every risk and leap I took toward my goals was guided and supported by my peers and teachers and they have continued to help me realise my potential and find myself as a person.