As part of our Year 10 humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice, and to create an outcome to showcase at a final exhibition in Term 4. The topic I received was history, and my inquiry question is “The process of the British colonising Australia”.
I will be making an exhibition booth which would aim to give the viewers the knowledge of what it was like to live as a convict back at that time in an interesting and engaging way. I plan to have items from that time which has been passed down my family brought in so the audience can physically feel and visualise what it was like back then.
1. Brainstorm ideas and processes
2. project timeline
3. E-portfolio
4. researched and written small summaries
5. citations
Term 3 Week 8
Brainstorm ideas, get topic, plan ahead
Term 3 Week 9
Start research and find good sites and start bibliography
Term 3 Week 10
Continue doing bibliography and research, and submit eportfolio
Term 4 Week 1
Finalise research, format information into a script or someway to present, start thinking of how to present in the booth
Term 4 Week 2
Work on how I would present and add more to presentation
- Research skills
- Creative thinking
- Organization
- Resilient
- Self-aware
How would I improve these skills?
The skills which I need to improve on is self-awareness because while I have a lot of time for this project, I still need to be efficient and get my work done, and can’t let myself be slack. Organization is needed because if everything is set out beforehand it will be far easier than doing things spontaneously.


October 14, 2021 at 9:09 am
The timeline is clear and makes sense, you could improve by adding more detail in what will be in the booth or adding a diagram of what you think it will look like. Its good that you put what skills you need to improve on but you could also put a quick description of how you will use the other capabilitues you listed.
October 14, 2021 at 9:17 am
Lots of good information and visuals, i like how you outlined your project idea, although tell me how you will set-up your stall to make people feel as if they are a convict.
October 14, 2021 at 9:20 am
– I like how you put clear headings to make it easy to read
– it looks like you have already made a lot of progress with your project
– do you have a clear understanding of each capability because you didn’t clarify
October 14, 2021 at 9:22 am
I think you have a good idea with good final plan
I think you should be more detailed in your plan and your brainstorm
I think you should elaborate more about your capabilities and how you will use them in your project
October 14, 2021 at 9:24 am
You have a clear plan on what you want to do and when you need to get it done and the idea is unique as not many people choose to do a project from the convicts’ perspective. However, you should be more specific with how you are going to showcase your research as you just said that you are going to present it in a ‘clear and engaging way’.
October 14, 2021 at 9:28 am
We think the use of the photo for you brainstorm was very good for visual aid and outlining the project was great for people who don’t know what it is. Also, the timeline and the list of everything completed was useful. You could have expanded on the capabilities and gone into more detail as to why you chose those specific ones.
– A&M
October 14, 2021 at 9:30 am
I think it is pretty interesting to see these items that have been passed down in your family. I agree that this will give viewers a better insight on the topic.
October 14, 2021 at 9:33 am
I think the detail and content you have provided in this update is very useful, and I appreciate the paragraph about what this project is. I also like the formatting of your e-portfolio – the headings split the content effectively.
I think the timeline you added is detailed and useful – however, could be formatted more professionally.
For what you have completed so far, you should write a small paragraph about what these steps entailed – especially a paragraph about research and your APA citations, as this is a vital part of this process.
The insight into how to improve skills you lack from the capabilities wheel was useful.
Please scan your brainstorm – it isn’t legible.
The project summary, which I believe is an overview of your final product, was useful as it conveys the aim of your stall. However, apart from mentioning items from the time, you do not give any detail on what product you intend on producing.
October 14, 2021 at 9:52 am
This is great work Benton, you have made a great start to your project. One thing that you can work on is that you could talk about how you need to be resilient and self-aware in the project as you have done the other capabilities but not those 2. Apart from that it is progressing really well, Great Job
October 14, 2021 at 9:58 am
I like the information from the timeline, and you planning but still needs a bit more about your topic and the final product
October 14, 2021 at 9:58 am
I think that you have a good understanding of your project and your final exhibition. You have also included everything you need in the project. In order to improve, it would be best if you expanded more on how you would improve each specific capability. Also, just make sure that you’re inquiry question is a question and not a statement.